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Getting started

1 Dependencies

Python dependencies

After you have run the cookiecutter command and the project has been generated the first thing you should do is install all the dependencies.

poetry install


If you are having issues like this:

poetry install

Current Python version (3.7.7) is not allowed by the project (^3.10).
Please change python executable via the "env use" command.

Try running poetry env use python3.10 and then trying poetry install again.


Next let's install javascript dependencies with npm install

2 Creating the Database

The next thing you want to do is to create and apply the migrations. First run:

poetry run python makemigrations


poetry run python migrate

This will create a SQLite database with all the necessary tables.

3 Start the dev server

Start by building the frontend resource. You can do that by running:

npm run start

You should see something like this:

webpack 5.73.0 compiled successfully in 3254 ms

Note: Make sure you are running tht latest LTS Node. As of this writing it is 16. You can activate it with nvm use 16 if you have nvm installed.

Now let's start the python server by poetry run python runserver in a new terminal window (we don't want to close the npm stuff. You can do that by pressing Ctrl+N while in VS Code Terminal). If you need a primer on how to use poetry, check out this blog post

Et Voila, you should have a basic site running.